Dew on grass is a fantastic temperature barometer.
Droplets glistening in the sun scrambling to hold onto dear life before either weakening and gravitate to earth and perish being soaked up by the soil not yet frost hard, or shrink and kapuut through evaporation from the sun.

Our clothes hadn’t dried enough from yesterdays laundry neither so putting them on moist added to the mornings start push off. Both doing a body frame shiver as external cold connected with internal heat. Nipple erections shared!
We would normally ride abreast when on a cycle path way so we’re not yelling at each other like we do when in single file. This morning we were rode in single file starting out. Shadows covered the right side of the path, the sun bouncing off the other half on the left. So we both hugged the left to absorb the warmth like mobile solar panels being radiated from the ball of yellow. Wish I also had BClaire’s wooley top on, at least her arms were clothed.

Our end destination today was more inland off the coast, Marans, and therefore we cycled across acreage of paddocks. Farmers have been busy ploughing the landscape. Cycle traffic has diminishes compared to when we first started out, passing the odd solo heading in the opposite direction. One thinks they should be going towards the equator where it’ll be warmer in the coming weeks, not away from it.

A sunflower field yet to be harvested had heads now turned downwards. They’ve been instrumental to keeping the spirits lifted when you are deep in serious thought about something. Everything. Or nothing. Nature is good for that. The best form of therapy to swipe away voices in your head. Turn off your screens and go ride a bike.

We spent a great deal of post-cycling today trying to sort out exiting France. We perhaps should have ridden north of Saint Brevins to the coast and caught a damn ferry off the continent! Notwithdsanding, we got there navigating the air and land transport modes websites. Switching from google maps to google translator to decipher between langauges. The test will be in the pudding when we rock up to the first leg of the journey, La Rochelle bus station to catch a bus to Nantes that departs at 5.50 am. When the dew on grasses is just forming, eeeeeeek! From Nantes to London, it’ll be by train to Paris to catch a connecting train to London. Really just another adventure!
Tomorrow we cycle the last of it. Full stop.
We’d decided to part from our bikes that have been bloody awesome carrying our torso’s how they have and were also working through how to say goodbye to them. Meeting the hosts of our accommodation today, they’ve offered to buy them off us and have a business in La Rochelle for us to drop them off at when the time comes to hand them over. Just like that, it just clicked and couldn’t have worked out any better.
So, until tomorrows final post, to La Rochelle where the curtain will come down and stay down, we ride.

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